5 Ways to Look and Feel Your Best

As the world finally starts to reopen, you may want to see some positive changes happen in your life without really knowing where to start. Whether it’s about taking better care of your physical or mental health, finding a more rewarding career, or spending more time with your family, here are some ideas to implement in your daily life so you can start looking and feeling your best:


Take a Lunch Break


Too many of us stay seated at our desks when we’re working, and we neglect to take a break midday to enjoy a real lunch – not just a sugary snack and a caffeinated beverage. Skipping that meal has a negative impact on our productivity. We start feeling sluggish and we even get in a bad mood as we wait for the workday to finally end. Getting out of the office and enjoying nutritious food helps us refuel, gets our creative juices and energy flowing again, and allows us to be more productive and in a much better mood for the rest of the afternoon.


Add Micro-Exercise to Your Day


You don’t have to spend hours at the gym to enjoy the benefits of physical activity. Ten to 15 minutes of exercise you can practice while at work can do wonders to keep you healthy. Use elastic resistance bands for a quick workout as you take a short break between two projects: you’ll be able to work every muscle group in your body without having to lug heavy or cumbersome equipment. Do a few push-ups, some jumping jacks, and crunches throughout the day, and you’ll soon start gaining more muscle and feeling more energized.


Alleviate Everyday Stress 


Whether you deal with a difficult boss at work or you’re a full-time caregiver at home, make sure you take time for yourself on a regular basis in order to refuel and prevent burnout. Pamper yourself by taking a spa day, going to the salon, or going shopping. Take a yoga class to relieve stress, and if you have chronic pain or headaches, you may also benefit from massage therapy, acupressure, or acupuncture. Acupuncture has proven abilities to heal the mind and body, lowering your stress level and providing joint and back pain relief.


Start a New Career


Dare to pursue your dream career by taking classes online to get an MBA. Whether you want to develop your skills in economics, accounting, finance, marketing, HR, or research and statistics, studying online will allow you to pursue a degree while still being able to continue working and spending time with your family. When selecting an online school, make sure it is accredited and can deliver the credentials you need, and that it offers competitive tuition rates. 


Log Off Social Media


For some, social media has turned into an addiction that is making them feel isolated, stressed out, anxious, and even depressed. Their fear of missing out makes it impossible for them to turn off their devices, and seeing other people’s vacation or holiday photos online makes them feel inadequate, unable to keep up with the Joneses. So take a break from social media and take time to enjoy your own life with your loved ones instead, avoiding the pitfalls of comparing yourself to others.


If you want to look and feel your best, be proactive and look for ways to improve your circumstances. Whether you’re dealing with a bad boss or a stressful home life, find strategies to help you relax and refuel. You’ll have a new, more positive outlook that will carry you through each and every day.


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