Surprising Ways to Lose Body Fat

Surprising Ways to Lose Body Fat 
That Can Boost Your Sleep and Health


Setting a goal to lose weight is one of the first things most people do when they start a new diet or fitness program. There’s absolutely nothing wrong wanting to lose weight, but for many of us, putting too much focus on the scale isn’t the best way to achieve the results we want. Instead of concentrating just on weight loss, you’ll have better results by aiming for fat loss. 


The following tips from Rizzo Acupuncture for losing body fat do more than just tip the scale in your favor; they also help you sleep better, feel better, and achieve better health overall. 


Troubleshoot Sleep Problems


If you feel stuck in a rut with weight loss, you may be glad to know there’s more to it than just diet and exercise. Sure, diet and exercise are important, but other factors are also at work, including lack of sleep. According to HuffPost, even a small amount of sleep loss causes hormonal imbalances, such as higher cortisol levels (also known as the stress hormone), which, in turn, increases your appetite and makes you more likely to reach for unhealthy foods.


Part of the problem is this relationship between sleep and weight goes both ways, meaning that excess weight can also be keeping you up at night. However, that doesn’t mean you have to stay stuck in this cycle; troubleshooting the issues that keep you from getting enough sleep, such as sleeping position and general comfort, can stop the cycle. 


One of the first things to consider is your mattress, especially if it’s too old or maybe even too small. Ideally, someone who is heavier should have a durable mattress that fits their sleep style and that’s built for larger people


Stress Less


Now that you know how the stress hormone cortisol is connected to an increased appetite, it shouldn’t be surprising to hear that having a high amount of stress in your life is another factor that makes it hard to shed those extra pounds. The solution here is one that any of us can appreciate: take a little time to manage the stressors in your life. 


There are countless stress-busting techniques you can try, but the key is to find what works for you. Make time for a hobby you enjoy, try aromatherapy, practice yoga or Pilates, or get outdoors more (you get bonus points for being outside in nature while exercising!). If you’re going to be exercising outdoors and plan to bring your smartphone along (and possibly use fitness apps), an armband can keep your phone secure


Another weight-management technique to employ is acupuncture. When done correctly, the tiny, fine needle points used during treatment interact with the body’s “energy pathways” to stimulate and release endorphins, which create a calming effect that helps prevent excessive eating, a reaction brought on by stress. This is encouraging news for those looking for drug-free options to reduce anxiety and thereby cutting out unhealthy dietary choices. 


Balance Your Diet


When your goal is not just to lose weight but specifically to reduce body fat, it’s important to remember that a truly balanced diet isn’t about deprivation. As NBC News explains, any successful weight loss plan has three things in common: you eat more vegetables, more whole foods, and less sugar. That’s lots of more, which is why it’s smart to focus on what you should be eating rather than stressing about what to avoid.


Beyond these general rules, you can add even more fat-burning foods. For example, foods high in probiotics help you feel more full and support a healthy metabolism. Along the same lines, healthy fats from salmon and avocados actually burn the fat you don’t want while keeping you feeling full. 


If you’re making these dietary changes and exercising, it’s only natural to want to see the results of your effort. Just remember that focusing too narrowly on weight loss obscures the bigger picture. The ultimate goal is to live healthier, sleep better, and love what you see in the mirror.

 contributed by Jennifer McGregor